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A320 Performance

  • 159 स्टेप
सभी स्टेप को पूरा करने वाले हर एक व्यक्ति को एक बैज मिलेगा।


This course teaches you the performance part of the Airbus A320 type rating. The course is designed to teach the performance with the use of manual tables and charts from the FCOM as well as using the EFB. While paper charts is often not used by airlines, this approach teaches the theory of the performance much better than simply using the electronic EFB. It is therefore of greater benefit to the pilot. We cover: - Airbus Speeds and definitions - Limitations - Documentation Overview - Limiting Speeds - Takeoff Distances - Takeoff NET Flight Path - Factors Influencing Takeoff Performance - MTOW Calculations (FCOM & EFB) - Contaminated Runway Calculations (FCOM & EFB) - Reduced Power Takeoff (FLEX and Derated) - Fuel Planing using; Computerised Flight Plan, MCDU, FCOM and EFB - Cruise Optimisation (Cost Index, Maximum FL, REC MAX ALT and Step Climbing) - Landing Distances; LDA, RLD, ALD, IFLD - Approach & Landing - Dispatch Calculations (RLD using FCOM and EFB) - Approach & Landing - In-flight Calculations (FLD using QRH and EFB) - Fuel Penalty Calculations (QRH and EFB) - Go Around vs. Discontinued Approach Procedure - Go-Around Performance Calculations (FCOM) - Go Around Flaps Operation - Single-Engine Performance Calculations (Standard, Obstacle and Fixed Speed Strategy) - Weight Definitions - Cargo Storage - Weight & Balance Calculations (A320 Load & Trim Sheet, Paper and EFB) - Top-of-Descent Calculations (simple and detailed formula) - Descent Management - MMEL/MEL

आप मोबाइल ऐप के माध्यम से भी इस कार्यक्रम में शामिल हो सकते हैं। ऐप पर जाएं


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